Question: I feel like I have read so many 'How To'’s on how to insert a tampon - but I still can't do it! I have tried all the tips and tricks, at one point in high school I was on a camp and my mum was there too (as the teacher) and we wanted to go swimming and I couldn't get a tampon in so she came in and tried to help me! Even she couldn't do it. I have tried doing it on a towel on my bedroom floor in a comfortable position so I'm super relaxed but even that doesn't work! So I guess I just want to know, are there any tips to relaxing, or making sure I'm inserting on the correct angle? I'm so sick of not being able to use tampons, and I know there probably isn't anything wrong with me but I can't help but think maybe there is, and if I can't get a tampon in, how on earth am I ever going to be able to have sex comfortably? (I am a virgin, waiting for marriage) Please help! #embarrassed #tight #hopeless
Dr. Farah Kroman: Pelvic floor muscles can be very strong. You are right, relaxing these muscles is the key to comfortable tampon insertion. Have you tried standing with one foot on a stool or the toilet? Also, you might like to try the tampon insertion on your heaviest flow day - this lubrication by the period flow helps. Knowing this can help you relax too. Since you have tried a few times and you are worried that something might be wrong, I think it’s definitely worthwhile to see your GP for a quick examination. There are some relatively rare conditions that block the vagina, which would mean that no matter how relaxed you are, it simply won't go in.