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Pads vs. Liners

Still think liners are the same as those bulky pads that are just for periods? They’re so not the same thing. In fact, they couldn’t be more different. Modern liners aren’t just about light flow, tampon backup, or for those days before and after your period. They’re designed to keep you feeling dry, fresh and confident—no matter what day of the month it is. Especially for the days when you don’t have your period!


What is the difference between panty liners and pads?
You keep pads in the bathroom You keep liners in your underwear drawer
Pads are for periods Liners are for any day
Pads are bigger for period protection Liners are thinner, shorter, and so small you’ll forget you’re wearing them
You (obviously) can’t wear pads with a G-string Some liners are designed to fold around even the tiniest thong
Pads keep your undies protected when you have your period Liners keep you ready for anything
You wouldn’t want to wear pads every day You can wear liners every day you want to feel clean and fresh